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‘DIET’ vs. a ‘NUTRITION PLAN’: Clean Out Your Cabinets

Clean Out Your Cabinets

This is the 3rd and final video in our series on Nutrition. Watch the first video >>>here<<<< and the 2nd video >>>here<<<

So far, we’ve talked about keeping a food journal and gradually adding healthy foods into your plan without restricting other ‘not so healthy’ foods.

If you’ve been consistent in the food journaling and have been able to work in those healthy foods on a daily basis, our third step is to clean out your cabinets. Most of the not-so-healthy eating we do is based on emotions (whether positive or negative) and also unconscious habits – such as ‘always needing a piece of chocolate after dinner’.

If we’re experiencing emotions outside of our ‘normal’ range or are low on will-power, no matter how well you ‘hid’ those cookies or pushed that ice cream far back into the freezer, we guarantee you’re going to find it. Instead of leaving your success up to chance, just get rid of it. If you really need those chips or that cookie, make it a task. Make it something you have to leave your house for – you’ll be a lot less inclined to make a decision that’s not in-line with your goals.