Train Smarter and Harder

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Stop gauging the success of your workout based on how sore, tired or sweaty you are​.

Stop gauging the success of your workout based on how sore, tired or sweaty you are​. Instead, gauge them on how good you feel, how much progress you made, what you learned, or how much effort you put in.
A GREAT workout does not make you puke. A great workout makes you better. If you want to get sweaty, workout in a room that is 110 degrees. Does getting sweaty mean the workout was good? Not necessarily. It just means the room was hot and you’re sweaty.
Squat heavy until you fail and you’ll probably have trouble walking the next day... and the day after that. Did squatting heavy for reps get you closer to your goal? For most, probably not. And it may have prevented you from having a productive workout tomorrow.
50 box jumps and push ups for 20 rounds - we bet you’ll be tired. And it’s also likely your technique and the quality of your workout suffered. Was it worth it?
Ask yourself these questions instead:
“Did I get better today?”
“Do I feel better walking out than I did walking in?”
“Am I going to be able to train again tomorrow, and enjoy it?”