Train Smarter and Harder

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Today's workout shouldn't keep you from tomorrow's improvement.

Above all else, exercise for consistency.
The ‘streak’ you build for days you train should be more important than the reps you do on any one day or how hard you can push yourself in the time you have. If you cannot train tomorrow because (1) you did too many reps that resulted in an injury due to poor form or (2) you pushed so hard that you didn’t leave enough in the tank for tomorrow, you’re stalling your progress.
As James Clear demonstrates in this ‘The Power of Tiny Gains’ chart, small incremental (and consistent) improvements lead to the greatest gains. And to quote James Clear, “it’s so easy to overestimate the importance of one defining moment and underestimate the value of making better decisions on a daily basis.”
When it comes to training, do just enough (or take the minimal effective dose) that allows you to go back tomorrow and get another 1% better.