Here are 5 reasons why it's cool to be a beginner in the gym

We spend a lot of time talking about the challenges of being new to exercise and not so much about the benefits.
Here are 5 reasons why it's cool to be a beginner:
1️⃣ There's a lot to learn! Everything you'll do in the gym is new (and hopefully exciting). Our brains love to learn new things and there's no shortage of that when you're new.

2️⃣ You'll get to feel what it's like to live in your body. If you have never exercised or haven't done so in a while, you don't have body awareness - you're disconnected. As soon as you start moving in healthy ways, you'll get a sense for what your body feels like and you'll want to start taking better care of it.

3️⃣ You'll experience lots of small, quick wins. Although weight loss and movement efficiency takes time to develop, if you're following an incrementally progressive program with a smart and caring coach, you'll feel change quick. You'll be blown away by how well your brain and body can adapt to the new demands and the motivation to continue won't be far behind.

4️⃣ Your support community will grow. People don't just go to the gym to workout - they also go for the social support. If you want to make positive life changes, it's imperative to surround yourself with like-minded people who can cheer you on when things are going well and encourage you to continue when you have an 'off' day.

5️⃣ You'll have more information to take better care of yourself. People who don't exercise have little knowledge of what's not working well and needs attention. As soon as you start moving your body in the way it was intended to be used, you'll quickly see what needs attention. In many ways, exercise can be a form or preventative medicine - shining light on the things that may have previously gone unnoticed.


Train movement patterns, not muscles.


Crunches are out. Anti is IN.