”I am someone who exercises and takes care of my body.”

Are you wanting to exercise but can’t seem to find the motivation to make it an enjoyable habit? It might be because you don’t think of yourself as ‘someone who exercises’.
How we perceive ourselves on the continuum of health and fitness, ranging from “I don’t exercise” all the way to “I exercise in some way everyday”, directly impacts our behavior. If we don’t see ourselves as someone who exercises, we’re inclined to validate that by finding reasons not to exercise - it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we don’t feel like we belong or fit in at a gym, we won’t. As Henry Ford said, “whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”
Behavior change starts in the 🧠🙇🏽‍♂️ Instead of beating yourself up about missing another planned session at the gym, spend your energy becoming aware of and changing your self-talk - even if your behavior has yet to support it. Try saying these things to yourself and to others whenever you get the opportunity to do so:
🔸“I take a 20 minute walk every night after dinner.”
🔸“When I have the chance, I always take the stairs over the escalator.”
🔸”I train every M/W/F during lunch for at least 30 minutes.”
🔸”When I don’t feel like exercising, I spend at least 20 minutes moving my body, even if that means stretching or meditating.”
🔸”Exercise makes me feel better about myself and I enjoy it.”
🔸”I like taking care of my body by moving and eating well!”


Stop Chasing Shortcuts


Be specific in your self-evaluations and let outcomes stand on their own.