No Pain, Lots of Gain

Pain is the like the check engine light in your car 🚨 Something’s up and we need to get it checked out. We don't ignore it.

Types of pain:
😬Acute pain: Good, pay attention! It protects us from doing further damage and ignites the healing process.
😩Chronic (ongoing) pain: Our body’s way of telling us to SLOW down and take care of it. Somethings not right!

The “No Pain, No Gain” mindset has got to go. If you're in pain, you're not progressing. If you're in pain, you will not want to continue with what you're doing. Pain is a terrible benchmark for what constitutes progress and performance. Every workout should end with the questions like: "Did I get closer to my goals today? and “Will I be able to come back and do it again tomorrow?" Sweat and soreness are a byproduct (sometimes of a well-planned training session or the environment we're in), but shouldn't be a goal.

Consistency is king and pain is the anthesis of consistency. Shoot for progress, not for pain. No Pain, Lots to Gain


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Tired is not better, better is better.