Train Smarter and Harder

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Wellness is simple 🍎

Wellness is simple 🍎 We’re all experts in making a decision to change - “I’m sick of feeling like this, I’m going to eat better starting tomorrow” or “I can’t live like this anymore, I’m going to go to the gym before work tomorrow”. The challenge comes in DOING those healthy practices on a daily basis, for the rest of our lives. How do we make that change and stick to it?

1️⃣ Awareness/Thinking: For us to make a change and develop into a ‘new’ person, we need to first become very familiar with who we no longer want to be. We need to be self-observant. How can we stop doing things one way without first knowing what that way looks like? Learn everything you can about the ‘you’ today.

2️⃣ Creation/Acting: Once we know all there is to know about who we are today and the thinking patterns and behaviors tied to it, we can start to define and become familiar with our new and improved self - how does that person think? What actions do they take to support it? Whenever we think and act in ways different from our auto-pilot self, our brains start building new neurological networks. We quite literally start to change our minds.

3️⃣ Being: If we continually think about who we want to be and support it in the way we think and behave, over time, we will emotionally and biologically condition ourselves to BE that person.

Start today by asking these questions and giving objective, observant answers:
🔹 How does the ‘me’ today eat?
🔹 What principles does the ‘me’ today follow around food?
🔹 How does the ‘me’ today take care of my body physically?
🔹 What principles does the ‘me’ today follow around physical activity?

More to come...