What’s one habit you have that’s reinforcing a behavior or mindset in direct conflict with who you WANT to be?

What’s one habit you have that’s reinforcing a behavior or mindset in direct conflict with who you WANT to be? Start with that.
“I want to lose weight.”
“I want to sleep better.”
“I’m sick of having no energy.”
“I hate feeling out of control when I eat.”
“I want my clothes to fit better.”
“I don’t feel good. I’m sick of feeling sick!”
If any of these sound familiar, start looking at all of the little habits you have (behavioral or mindset) that lead to these feelings. Are you buying low quality food? When you’re feeling emotional, is your first move toward the pantry? Are you choosing to watch your favorite show instead of going for a walk after dinner or heading to the gym? Are you bringing your phone to bed with you?
PICK ONE THING. Pay attention to when it’s happening and how it’s making you feel. Then start problem solving. What can you do instead? One small change is all it takes. But you have to start.


Get OUT of the gym and into the fresh air.


Foam rolling is cumulative. Do it often.