Train Smarter and Harder

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What's your unbalanced force?

When we’re motivated to make improvements, the motivation tends to give us a big push forward putting us into motion. But at some point we reach an unbalanced force, resisting and slowing our progress. This unbalanced force can come in the form of:
💨 A partner with counter-productive habits
💨 An eventful social life
💨 A high-stress event (personal or professional)
💨 A restless night
💨 An injury
💨 Travel
💨 Disease or illness
These unbalanced forces are inevitable so we must plan for them. Know what your likely obstacles will be and generate enough force behind your progress to overcome the force of the anticipated obstacle - or at the very least, enough force to keep moving forward no matter how slow. Ask yourself, what would success look like when I face this obstacle? You don’t need perfection, you just need progress.