Train Smarter and Harder

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5 ways to start feeling good about yourself so you can perform at your best (whatever that might look like for you)

🖐🏼 ways to start feeling good about yourself so you can perform at your best (whatever that might look like for you):
1️⃣ Get quality sleep: reaching your potential starts in the bedroom 😉 Quality and length of sleep affects our eating habits, moods, concentration and focus, our body’s ability to stay healthy, and our ability to appropriately manage stress.
2️⃣ Eat (quality) food, mostly plants, and not too much - thanks Michael Pollan. What we eat directly impacts our sense of self-worth. When we eat low-quality foods, we are ‘telling’ ourselves that we hold our health and function in low regard. Choosing high-quality, nutritious foods says “I care about my body and my quality of life.”
3️⃣ Move your body. If you don’t use it you’ll lose it. Our ability to function well physically gives us a sense of energy and purpose.
4️⃣ Pick one single, simple goal and achieve it. Show yourself you are capable of accomplishing something you want. Start small with ONE thing: take a daily 20 minute walk, be in bed by 9pm, shut your phone off at 8pm, journal for 10 minutes each morning, or do a daily push up or chin up routine until you can do ONE perfectly.
5️⃣ Practice gratitude and kindness. When we’re feeling down, most of us tend to “close up shop”. We retreat and protect ourselves because we feel low on resources. Instead, fight those natural tendencies and start giving. This can come in the form of actively reflecting on what’s great in your life or putting some energy into helping someone else. Love (positive action) is not a limited resource and cannot be replenished if hoarded. Oddly enough, when we stop focusing on ourselves so much we start feeling better about ourselves.