Train Smarter and Harder

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Instead of box jumps, we like to call them box lands.

What does this have to do with box jumps?
🚘 You are the car
🚦 Your ability to land on the box quietly, under control, and at parallel or above are your brakes
Instead of box jumps, we like to call them box lands. We care far more about the quality of your landing than about how high you can jump.
Because life and sport requires us to use our breaks daily:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⚠️ Walking
⚠️ Running
⚠️ Changing direction
⚠️ Stepping up or down on anything
With this in mind, here are a few important principles to follow when doing box jumps:
🎙 If you cannot land on the box at parallel (hip crease at knee) or above, the box is too high.
🎙 If you cannot land on the box quietly, the box is too high.
🎙 If you cannot land on the box with both feet fully on the box (toes to heels), the box is too high.
🎙 If you feel any pain at all when doing box jumps, you should stop doing box jumps and seek help from an experienced practitioner or coach.
🎙 If you are doing box jumps repeatedly to get tired and sweaty, you are damaging your breaks.