There's no need to go EXTREME.

You wake up one day and you’ve had enough. You don’t like the way you look, you feel lethargic, you’re tired of being in pain, or your performance is lacking. The typical response? GO EXTREME.
Skip breakfast. 5-day juice fast. Two workouts a day. Fasted cardio in the morning. Heavier weight training. More supplements. A ‘special’ diet.
There is *some* benefit to quickly leveraging the extra boost of motivation we get when we reach our breaking point, but we need to stay in control of how we outsource that motivated energy instead of letting it control us. When things don’t go as planned or we find ourselves in a place we don’t want to be, the answer is to go back to the basics - and not to punish ourselves. The answer is to pick one, ONE THING, to change that is contributing to our undesired state of being. Put all of your motivation into that ONE THING for a few weeks. Master it. Pick another ONE THING.
The best answer is to create a lifestyle that you can actually live, and be an enjoyable and joyous human while doing it. One that’s going to last beyond 30 days. Going to extremes might work initially, but it’s not sustainable and might leave you worse off than when you started 😬
How to use motivation responsibly:
⚡️ Get an accountability buddy. Share your ONE THING with someone who either wants to join you or can frequently check in on your progress.
⚡️ Track your progress. Make a calendar dedicated to checking off each day you are successful with your ONE THING, and keep it where you can see it. Get a streak going!
⚡️ While you’re motivated, write down exactly what’s fueling you - do you want to live longer so you can be around for your grandchildren? Do you want to be a better role model for your kids on how to live a happy and healthy life? Do you want to perform better and have lasting energy at work? Do you want to use your body to it’s full capacity? Connect your identity to the motivation. Paint a picture of your future self.
It’s true...
Slow and steady wins the race 🐢


Personalize your PRs... it doesn't always have to be pounds lifted.


Legs • Push • Pull • Core